Want to work out but don't have the time?
Time to change how you think about exercise
Like many people, I often find it hard to find time to fit in exercise into my daily life. However, I have come across the Nano Workout website by Swedish Industrial Designer Joakim Christoffersson.
His motto is a ‘healthy lifestyle without breaking a sweat’ and is more about your mental attitude than a daily exercise regimen.
Joakim’s website helps you to find ways to tune your body through:
* Bathroom workouts
* Bedroom workouts
* Couch workouts
* Kitchen workouts
* Office workouts
* Stuff that aren’t workouts
* Workouts on the move
Most of his explanations include graphic images – there is a funny one about stretching in the shower by dropping the soap!
Enjoy browsing his website and collecting new ideas at http://www.nanoworkout.com
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