Eight Wise Ways to Live with Soul

Live with soul for a more fulfilling life.

Part of our purpose is to continue to learn. My view of life has been shaped by many teachers: philosophers, experts and visionaries—or role-models selected from people I meet, who show me the kind of person I want to be and how I choose to live my life.

Here are eight Wise Ways I apply continually to live a conscious life; a more enlightened and joyful life. There’s plenty more to keep working on! These have ended up becoming habits so far. When you live with soul things take on a new perspective.

How to live with soul every day.

Eight Wise Ways

1 Set aside a few moments of quiet each day to reflect

It could be over a cup of coffee, or riding on a train instead of having an iPod rammed in your ear. Turn off your phone. Reflect on how you’re progressing, on how you choose to react to something, or on trying to understand, with compassion, someone’s behaviour.

Write down those insights that are leading you to be your best. Begin each day with a clear intention. Not only for the goals you’ve chosen for that day, but also remind yourself of the values you choose to live by. They’ll provide you with an inner compass to guide the direction you take when challenges come up. As an example: ‘I intend to be a calm, positive person throughout this day, no matter what happens.’

2 Be gentle with yourself

Be aware of your self-talk: are you being over-critical and harsh with yourself?

Do you treat yourself with respect? Take a kinder, more compassionate approach to your mistakes. You’re learning, and you can only do what you can do. The key is not to keep repeating the same mistake!

When you live with soul, people are drawn to you.

3 Practise mindful attention

For a few seconds at a time, bring your full attention onto what you’re doing in this moment, on what thoughts you’re allowing to fill your mind, on the colours and sounds around you, on how your body feels and what messages emotions are bringing to you. What needs to be dealt with? Mindfulness can show you where you are leaking energy that could be put to better use elsewhere.

4 Question your assumptions

Become aware of your beliefs about people, about the world, about life or about yourself. You may have inherited many of those assumptions from family. Are they really the beliefs you want to hold, or is it time to replace them with more constructive assumptions? Are these beliefs holding you back in any way?

What are the best ways to live with soul?

5 Shift to a Positive Perspective

The media is full of news of disasters and impending dangers. The uplifting success story about someone making a difference is buried on the back pages of the newspaper. Find it. For every message of gloom and doom you hear, find an encouraging counter-argument. Turn negative conversations to uplifting ones. Shift your own thoughts…be mindful of the positive frequency the world needs to shift. Be part of emitting that frequency.

6 Build New Habits

Neuroscience tells us that as we lay down new neural pathways, see the world and ourselves in new ways. I’ve proved that through changing my thinking from negative to positive. Explore new activities, dance often, connect with people of different generations, try a new food. As Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

7 Find Guidance

Read books, find a skilled teacher, a study group, or a social network that supports your explorations. Avoid people who keep you back and spend more time with people who think like the new you.

Live with soul in a meaningful way.

8 Move from I to We

Keep reminding yourself that you are part of the human family and your frequency and your actions contribute in some way, whether you’re aware of it or not. Understanding the wider meaning of your life can give you a huge sense of purpose.

Imagine how much more confident you would feel if you were able to master these concepts in your own life. Interested? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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If you would like to reproduce any articles, Jacquie relies on your integrity to quote the content in its entirety and include the following acknowledgment at the end: © Jacquie Wise – Integrative Coach, Counsellor, Speaker, Trainer and Author, specialising in life, love, work and soul (www.wiseways.com.au)


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