Boost morale and motivate your team

The challenge of any leader is to keep people highly motivated, so that they contribute their best.

How can you boost morale and motivation?

One way is by making it fun to come to work. These days, we’re so pressured to meet deadlines, coming to work is often stressful, boring and lonely. Boost morale using these techniques.

Having fun is too often seen as wasting time instead of being valued as a key to boost morale and motivation.

Yet there are a number of bottom-line benefits to injecting fun into your workplace. You’ll encourage commitment and reduce absenteeism, you’ll promote job satisfaction and reduce recruiting costs, you’ll increase productivity and reduce careless errors.

How to boost morale with large groups.

Sharing fun generates a team spirit that unites people

They solve problems more easily, think more creatively and are more prepared to help one another. When people have fun in the workplace, it’s less likely anyone will feel left out. Being able to boost morale is highly valuable. Someone who is able to boost morale is always valued.

Boost morale in your team.

The ‘fun’-damentals of motivation: 5 ways to make your workplace fun

1 Lighten up

Laugh at yourself and tease members of your team (without putting them down.) Making people laugh is great to boost morale.

2 Adopt a playful attitude

Surprise people. Your team will respond better when it’s time to be serious.

3 Celebrate birthdays

It doesn’t take much to organize a card and a cake.

4 Applaud achievements and progress

Find little ways to cheer your team on and make them proud of how far they’ve come each week.

5 Plan to have a good time every day, or at least once a week

Inspired leaders make a point of injecting novelty and laughter into the workplace. When you want to boost morale remember this.

Coaching from an experienced leader can give you the confidence and skills to be an inspiring leader that can boost morale and motivate your team. Would you like some guidance? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

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If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081. 

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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