Change your energy field to attract a better life

Attract a better life by changing the energy fields around you.


I have recently realised how much I have slipped in my life and allowed myself to withdraw and stagnate. I’ve lost a lot of confidence. I need to know how to shift the frequencies around me so that I can begin to attract a better life. What are simple things I can do to shift the energy field around me?


I congratulate you for having the courage and insight to see clearly the patterns you have been experiencing. Whatever the reasons, the key is not to blame others or criticise yourself. There are always understandable reasons for our behaviours and attitudes. The key is to be able to see them for what they are, and it can take guts. This already indicates a shift in frequency. You are now ready to make changes. That said, if you want to move a mountain, it still has to be moved one rock at a time. Begin by shifting small pebbles. If you want to attract a better life, you need to do it on purpose.

Your energy field changes when you align mind, body and spirit so that all three flow in the same direction. That means working on thoughts and emotions, actions and frequencies at the same time.

Six Wise Ways to shift your frequency

1 Trust that the Universe or God has been waiting for you to be ready. If we’re not ready, any number of opportunities can be brought to us, yet we get overwhelmed or let them pass by, for a variety of reasons. So now, we just need to clear the space for the new to come in. Just like clearing a clogged drain so that water can flow again.

Attract a better life on purpose.

2 Change your normal pattern to its opposite. Your brain can be rewired into a new mode of functioning.

If you’ve been rushing around in a jittery manner without focus, slow down. Plan what you are going to do for the day and in what order, and check things off the list as you go. Check that you haven’t skipped anything that could prove to be important later on. Make deliberate movements. Take a slow, deliberate breath between activities and refocus for a few minutes.

In speech, make sure you make a clear point or summary first, then break the information down into understandable chunks. That will prevent you from skipping important details.

How can I start to attract a better life?

If you’ve been very slow in movements and rambling in speech, train yourself to move briskly and speak briskly. Do your tasks and speak as if you were about to catch a train. That doesn’t mean be sloppy. You will be thorough, but just train yourself to speed up. In speech, let the first thing you say be your main point or request, and only then expand, and only if necessary. Attract a better life easily.

3 Clear clutterClear filing cabinets and archive or chuck dated documents. Put away clothes that are out of season—get rid of anything you haven’t used in a long time. Clear cupboards and shelves as if to make ready for an influx of the new. It’s symbolic, but significant.

4 Rearrange furniture and ornaments (if possible) so that things look different. Even something as tiny as using a different flower vase will add to the small shifts. Get rid of dust on bookshelves. Get things dry-cleaned. Attend to repairs. This is all for YOU because you deserve the best. From now on, you are making ready for the best.

5 Tackle your fears. One baby step at a time, do something you’ve been putting off or have been afraid of. If you’ve been avoiding challenges to keep yourself safe, train yourself to be open to new challenges. You never know what life will bring. You just have to be ready for it.

6 Accept help. You will be sent the help you need, but if you resist it for reasons of pride, then you are behaving like a blocked drain.

Attract a better life, not a blocked drain.

I know someone who has been taught from her childhood that she is undeserving. Whenever offered anything, she says things like: ‘If it’s not too much trouble’ or ‘I don’t want to trouble you…’ She’s the most generous person I know when it comes to helping others, but she refuses many offers of help because she believes she is putting people out. She also has a need to prove she’s capable herself. I’m teaching her to accept with thanks. Accepting help is no reflection on our intelligence.

If something is offered, it is meant. Don’t let pride or your conditioning block good things from coming into your life. Return the favour, but put yourself in receiving mode. You will receive.

What will I receive to help me attract a better life?

I found an ad in some magazine that reminds me to keep being a ‘mover and shaker’ in my own life.. It’s a picture of a packed suitcase. The caption says: ‘Are you packed and ready to go?’

If you are ready to attract new and better things into your life, find out how to stop sabotaging and shift negative frequencies around you and contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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