How do I change my attitude to life?

Attitude to life is an important aspect of achieving goals.

When spring appears, I’m like a kid. I get all excited about what new things I’m going to create in my life while the sun’s out and I can go out and play.

Moving forward

And for us in Australia, spring and summer coincide with Christmas.  Life is like being surrounded with gift-wrapped presents.  They all have potential, but which one will you open first?

Do you become excited when you open gift-wrapped presents?

How would it be to have the same attitude about your life?

Do you grab the biggest gift, rip the wrapping off and dive in excitedly, to see what’s inside?

Do you prefer to take a safer option: open the least appealing one first, so that you still have the more appealing one to look forward to?

Or do you like to sit and look at them, not daring to open any, because you don’t know what they might contain?

Or maybe you sit there and think: ‘Yeah, yeah, I’ll get around to it another time.’

Attitude to life can be a challenge.

Sometimes we don’t have the courage to ‘open’ the opportunities life offers.

I’ll never forget a woman in one of my cookery classes years ago.  The classes consisted of my demonstrating how to make a dish, and then participants would taste it and decide if they would enjoy making it at home.

One woman consistently refused to taste anything over the series of classes.  I asked her if her concerns were religious—no.  Hygiene?  No.  Dietary requirements?  No, Special likes or dislikes…I could leave the mushrooms out? No.

‘So—why don’t you want to taste anything?’

‘In case I don’t like it’, she said.

‘But there’s an equal chance that you will like it!’

I couldn’t budge her.  Wondering why she’d come to a cookery class in the first place, I left her alone. How sad, I thought, to go through life with an attitude that it’s not worth taking even the tiniest chance, in case we’re disappointed.

Attitude to life is essential in getting what you want.

What if you can’t get what you need?

There was a time when I couldn’t afford to buy a Christmas tree and I especially wanted to have one that year, because a friend was coming to visit with her children.

Time for creativity!  I collected small branches and twigs that had fallen on the ground and put them in a tall spaghetti jar in a pine-tree shape.

On the twigs, I tied red ribbons, little red and white striped peppermint sticks, and tiny wooden ornaments I’d collected over the years.  Red crepe paper tied around the jar with a dark green ribbon completed the look.

The joyful reaction I got from people who saw my creative tree made me decide to stay with the twig idea rather than be traditional.

What’s the point of this story?

It illustrates an attitude to life.  There’s always a way to get around obstacles or a sense of lack.  If you can’t get what you need, find a suitable substitute that will do for the moment.  At least you’ll be moving forward.

If you can’t get the job you want, find an occupation in the interim that will give you the experience you need.

If you can’t meet the right people, cast your fishing net wider, get out more and get involved with interesting activities involving all kinds of people.  One by one, you’ll select the ‘keepers’.

Your attitude to life will also attract or repel opportunities according to your energy field.  Change your attitude and watch how a shift occurs in your life, little by little over time.

If it still feels as if life is not moving forward in the way you would like, take a moment to look backwards instead.  Remember what has changed in your recent past and you will realise that your change of attitude has created more abundance and opportunity.

What should I do about my attitude to life?

If you want to track how you are progressing, keep a record of your achievements in a ‘Growth Journal.’ This way you will have proof as to how changing your attitude has changed your life.

Read more about changing your vibrations.

Imagine how you would feel if you were able to Be in Your Own Power. Interested? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

Sometimes we don’t have the courage to ‘open’ the opportunities life offers.

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