Make room for the new by letting go of the old

Make room for the new by decluttering.

I like to latch on to anything that helps me keep motivated, stay focused, or that reminds me to do a review of my life.

It may be a song, a symbol, a season, or a celebration, such as Easter. How to make room for the new.

Easter, symbolised by the egg, represents birth and new directions. Passover, which is celebrated at around the same time, is the festival of freedom.

So, I ask myself, what needs to be allowed to birth in my life? A new attitude? Confidence?  A new direction?  New people?

From what do I need to free myself?  It could be an outdated belief, a bad habit, or a commitment.   Whatever it is, it needs a strong reason to make the effort worthwhile, an achievable strategic plan and the right support and resources.

Make room for the new to enter your life by letting go of the old. Jacquie Wise

So here’s my big news.

After 16 years I’ve decided to stop producing and presenting my own radio show.

Producing content for the Wise Ways weekly radio show (YOW that means 840 shows!) has been fun, challenging and enormously rewarding.  I’ve interviewed fascinating and inspiring people.

But the time has come to transfer my energy into my new venture.

The last show will go to air at 11am on Friday 29 March 2013 (88.3FM). I’ve chosen that date because it’s the last Friday before Easter—symbol of the birth of the new.

How do I make room for the new.

Here’s a tip: if you’re in a similar situation, ask yourself ‘Does doing this contribute to my wellbeing, or get me closer to my goals?’

If the answer is no, then why are you doing it?

There are so many ways that make this kind of review of your life easier, so many different strategies from which to select to find the ‘wise way’ that best suits you.

It’s not a sign of failure if you can’t find them all yourself, and if you can’t overcome defense mechanisms alone.

If it’s time to make changes in your life, select carefully whom you ask for advice. It can be risky to ask friends and family. Are they able to be fully objective?  Can they recognise and set aside their own subconscious attitudes and needs and not impose their perspective on you?  Do they have the broad selection of strategies that a professional has, that will suit your style and emotional needs?  What successes have they had in their life, which prove they know what they’re talking about?

Make room for the new in your life.

So as I let go of one of the biggest parts of my work life for the last 16 years, I would like to say farewell to my faithful radio listeners, guests and colleagues.

Stay tuned — I have something new planned…

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

Here’s a tip: if you’re in a similar situation, ask yourself ‘Does doing this contribute to my wellbeing, or get me closer to my goals?’

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If you would like to reproduce any articles, Jacquie relies on your integrity to quote the content in its entirety and include the following acknowledgment at the end: © Jacquie Wise – Integrative Coach, Counsellor, Speaker, Trainer and Author, specialising in life, love, work and soul (


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