Seven Wise Ways to be confident at interviews

Be confident at interviews despite your nerves.


Hello Jacquie, do you have any tips on communicating confidence to others? For example in say a job interview or other situation where it would be advantageous to at least appear confident? Being confident at interviews is easier said than done.


I broke down confidence into its many aspects, and I came up with these: Be confident at interviews.

Confidence is:

  • Knowing you can do something, and being able to prove that you can. How do you know you can do it? Because you’ve tried it before and you have a record of success, or you’ve done similar things and have identified transferable skills, or you’ve done research and should be able to cope. Be able to describe all that and give examples. You will impress just by showing you continually work to improve your skills.
  • Knowing where to get informationThat may come from developing a network of people whom you could call at a moment’s notice to guide you.  Or having bookmarked useful internet pages for instant research.

How to be confident at interviews, tame the nerves.

Confidence is also:

  • Being well prepared, which often means being well rehearsed. In other words, rehearsing your answers to typical interview questions so that nothing catches you by surprise. There’s plenty of information out there on questions you’re likely to be asked. It also means knowing what the market rate is for this position and having researched the company.
  • Being able to substantiate: be prepared with examples, stories, reasons you made a choice…back up everything you say with a ‘because.’
  • Being sure you present well for this position. That means dressing appropriately, whether that means a business suit or smart casual attire, depending on the industry.  It means having additional copies of your CV and relevant documents neatly housed in a folder that you can take with you, with space to write notes.  Presenting also means the way you speak. Get feedback—do you mumble, are you too softly spoken? Are you vague or do you need to expand your vocabulary? Be confident at interviews.
  • Knowing that the interviewer may not know how to interview and you may have to take the lead.  Also knowing that, if this job is the best fit for you, you’ll get it.  If you don’t get it, trust that something better is waiting.

And, finally, confidence is:

  • Having a ‘Plan B’, which may consist of a series of ‘what ifs’What if the interviewer doesn’t ask me this—I’ll be able to say it this way… What if they DO ask me…I have my answer prepared, just in case. Of course your Plan B might also include an alternative way of gaining entry into an industry or an alternative career. Be confident at interviews.

Practice being confident at interviews.

I have also written several other blog articles on the topics of how to be more authentic, overcoming low self-esteem and are you a good risk taker?

Imagine how much more confident you would feel if you were able to master these ideas in your own life. Interested? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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