Eight Wise Ways to send out good vibrations

Wise Ways to send good vibrations that contribute to our shift to a more enlightened way of being. While you’re at it, how can you be happier?

What vibration or energy frequency are you sending out to the world? Positive, or negative?

Part of our purpose in life is to contribute to a higher frequency. A positive frequency is light and uplifting.  As more of us are influenced by that frequency and begin to act in alignment with it, so we change our world for the better.

Our every thought and every action emits a frequency.  We can often sense these frequencies, for example when someone we love is feeling down or is thinking of us.

You’ve probably experienced many times how positive people energise you, even if they don’t say a word, or how negative people can drain you.

Our consciousness is growing much faster than at any other time in history. Good Vibrations are not just your imagination.

Have you noticed how there are more conversations of hope around you? Noticed how many more people are yearning to ‘make a difference’?  Noticed the growing interest there is, throughout the world, on values, compassion, ethics, fair trade, taking responsibility, and on working with universal laws like the Law of Attraction and the Law of Manifestation?  All positive stuff.  We’re moving in the right direction.

How can you be part of emitting positive frequencies that contribute to our shift to a more enlightened way of being? While you’re at it, how can you be happier?

I continue to work on my focus and different practises over the years. I’d like to share a few that have become a way of being for me now, after many years of small shifts.

My Eight Wise Ways to send out good vibrations

1.    Learn about frequencies.  There are recommended books on my website, and many more around, easy to understand. Learn about the Laws of Attraction and Manifestation so you can recognise the impact they have on your life and use them properly.

2.    Look for positive news to focus on.  The media is full of news of disasters and impending dangers.  The uplifting success story about someone making a difference is buried on the back pages of the newspaper.  Find it. Talk about it.

3.    Find encouraging counter-arguments for every discussion of gloom and doom you hear. Turn negative conversations to uplifting ones.

Counter them with Good Vibrations.

4.    Be mindful of your own negative thinking, whether it’s about yourself or about your view of life. Re-frame the critical self-abuse you’ve possibly turned into a habit.  Focus on your growth and courage to try, not on your failures.  Focus on what you’ve learnt from your experiences, not on your mistakes. If you learn to laugh at yourself, you’ll find out how funny you can be!

5.    Question your assumptions. We all absorb prejudices, attitudes and beliefs from influences around us—family, culture, life… There is a 50% chance that your view is right, and 50% chance that it’s wrong. At least begin by acknowledging that possibility.  Watch out for words you use like ‘always’ and ‘never’.  Change them to ‘sometimes’ and you’ll start the process of becoming more reasoned in your thinking.

6.    Be respectful and compassionate about other peoples’ views. They learnt them just as you did.  Learn true empathy: seeing a situation from another person’s viewpoint, with their life experiences, their fears, their hopes and dreams.  You may find they’re not so different from yours. Shift your perspective to a more generous, non-judgemental one.

7.    Make small positive differences throughout each day. Be thoughtful. Do random acts of kindness. Lend a helping hand.  Give a genuine compliment.  Pass on useful information.  Show interest in someone’s story.  Include a lonely person in group activities. Encourage or support someone.  Be more joyful and add laughter to everyone’s day. You’ll be more popular while you’re at it.

8.    Enjoy! Enjoy what you’re doing in the moment, enjoy the colours and smells around you, enjoy your home, enjoy a satisfying achievement, a good meal, a friend…

Good vibrations can be picked up in the universe.

Do you want more joy in your life? If yes, what can you do about it?  Is it your gloomy attitude that needs changing, is it that you just don’t notice and appreciate the good stuff, is it that you need to go looking for things you will enjoy?  Find things to be happy about.

Finally, it’s important to chillax with the whole process and have fun with it. There’s no need to turn this into yet another chore.  It’s just an easy way to be; it’s part of happiness.

You may also be interested in the short course I run on ‘The Power of Positive Thinking‘ at the Centre for Adult Education in Melbourne.

Questions to ask yourself

  • What have you done today to shift to a more positive frequency?
  • What random acts of kindness have you done?

Email me with your questions about ways to send out good vibrations and ideas…..

Imagine how much happier life could be if you are sending out good vibrations because you have found your purpose in life.  Interested? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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