Are the signs of your life confirming you’re going in the right direction?

What is the right direction for my life?

Signs of Life

It can be hard to tell if the signs in your life are confirming whether or not you’re going in the right directionA client of mine was telling me how disappointed she was that a guy she’d liked hadn’t called her again after the first date.   The conversation led to signs; that he was a sign that things were moving in her life. But the time was not yet right for her to meet THE man. When she looked at what was going on in her life at the time, she saw that maybe there was something to that. There was no room for a full-on relationship.

When I’m lost, I stop to look at a road map.  Asking directions doesn’t work for me, since I forget what I’m told within five seconds.

It’s the same in life.  People can give you all kinds of directions, but we can’t really be confident until we can see the signs for ourselves. Life gives us so many signs that we are on the right or the wrong track.  Signs may come in the shape of people or situations.  Or work.

What does the right direction look like?

For example, a friend of mine has set herself up in business as a marketing consultant.  But she keeps getting assignments to design websites, because she’s good at it.  She’s coming around to the concept of signs. She still needs those jobs because she finds them easy and she needs to develop her confidence to charge appropriately.  When she’s ready, she’ll find the kind of work she gets will shift by itself, until it gets to the point when she can make a confident decision to be more selective on the work she accepts.

I’ve had many signs lately that I’m on the right track and it is very reassuring.

Many years ago, I used to attract friendships with people who were either extremely possessive or takers who never gave anything in return.  As I learnt to recognise what was happening, I would see how my life was changing. Sometimes they were only small shifts, other times, a big change would occur.  Each situation was a clear sign that I was moving in the right direction. It gave me extra confidence to keep walking on my new path.

What could the right direction look like?

Now, I get nothing but warmth and closeness without feeling suffocated. Sometimes the situations or people I encounter have shown me I need to do something different. Maybe be more assertive. Or sometimes they’ve taught me to let someone in. Little shift by little shift, I always look for the meaning behind each situation. I take the action I think is most appropriate, and wait for the next sign.

I’ve seen many signs in my work too, that tell me I’m on track. Opportunities or the right information is increasingly coming my way, and I’m getting offers of help just when I need them. Unexpected conversations come up, telling me just what I need to hear.

Signs can tell you just as clearly you’re on the wrong track: things go wrong, or delays slow you down for example.  Maybe you need to be slowed down because you’re going too fast, or maybe you’re sabotaging yourself All this can be sorted out with enough reflection so that you get to know yourself very well, know the games you play, and know what you’re responsible for or what is out of your control.

Some of us are very good at self-reflection and are very aware. Some of us need extra assistance through guided reflection with an objective professional who can stop us getting overwhelmed and keep us focused.

There is not just one right direction.

If you were to look at your life like a road map going in a particular direction, what are the signs that things are moving? Are they moving at all? Going forwards very fast, slow, or even at a standstill? Is your life showing you that the road you’ve chosen is barred?

If you decide where you want to go, and it’s realistic, then what signs could you want to see that confirm you’re getting there?  Start looking for them, in the faith that you are being guided.  I’ll bet you’ll find some, and they’ll become increasingly obvious as you learn to recognise them.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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