Assess your spiritual evolution — what role do your friends play?

We all (hopefully) grow up as we grow older. The results we get in life gives us feedback about whether or not we’ve developed new skills and understanding.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could get similar feedback on our spiritual evolution? Well—we can. You can start to assess your spiritual evolution at any time.

Remember that religion and spiritual evolution are different. You can be religious and still not grow. Being spiritual (interested in your soul’s growth) is possible without being religious.

You are a reflection of the company you keep.

Assess your spiritual evolution by addressing your soul.

One of the many ways to get feedback about your evolution is to see what kind of people you choose as good friends.

One person told me she wanted to be my friend because it made her look good to be seen with me. Hmn. Flattering, but disappointing. I respected her openness, but over time, I observed how different our values were. I moved her from my ‘potential friend’ category to my ‘business acquaintance’ category. It’s time to assess your spiritual evolution when there are large questions.

If you want to assess your spiritual evolution you start with yourself.

Look around. What kind of people do you count amongst your good friends?

Can they clearly express their values?
Is there evidence that they live by their values?
Do they understand that their purpose is more than their career?
Do they work on improving themselves as a person?
How ethical are they?
Are they concerned about the impact they have on the world?
How interested are they in improving the world beyond their own lives?
Do they commit time, money or energy to a cause they believe is important?
Are they capable of ‘walking the talk’, or are they just ‘talk’?
Do they understand the concept of the universe as ‘one’ energy system?
Are they curious to learn about how the world works on a metaphysical level?
Can they be open-minded as well as skeptical?

Assess your spiritual evolution.

What would the answers be if you applied these questions to yourself?

Can you take an objective assessment of your chosen friends with understanding and compassion and without judgement or criticism?

Are they superficial, materialistic, selfish, or aggressive?
How often do they take more than they give?
Do they blame others, without acknowledging their contribution to a problem?
Do they complain a lot, but do nothing to find solutions?
Are they uncaring about their contribution to world problems?

Are you big enough to take an objective assessment of yourself?

Spiritual Evolution Assessment

How do these questions apply to you? What do your friends reveal about you?

Is it time for you to review your own spiritual evolution? Would you like to explore your options and discuss your answers to these questions? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.


Soul Wise Ways

The Wise Way is a grounded framework to follow a path with heart, and to reconnect you with your sense of meaning, life purpose, and innate spiritual intelligence.

Information only

Any information presented on our website is of a general nature only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.

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If you would like to reproduce any articles, Jacquie relies on your integrity to quote the content in its entirety and include the following acknowledgment at the end: © Jacquie Wise – Integrative Coach, Counsellor, Speaker, Trainer and Author, specialising in life, love, work and soul (


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