Forget New Year Resolutions - Go for New Year Revolutions

New Year Resolutions or New Year Revolutions?

Many of us begin with good intentions that somehow fade as the year progresses. It might work better for you if you focus on the things you want to STOP doing.

Many of us begin with good intentions that somehow fade as the year progresses. It might work better for you if you focus on the things you want to STOP doing. New year resolutions are the normal go-to but what about a New Year Revolution?

There are two approaches to life. Some of us prefer to move TOWARDS a goal, and some of us prefer to move AWAY from a problem. Who cares, as long as it works for you?

Similarly, there are two approaches to reflecting on your life. One is to make space to be alone and write down your thoughts and insights.

The second approach is to talk with a friend and write down your thoughts and insights.

I don’t like that one as much, because there is a risk that your well-meaning friend could influence you without realising. Still, it’s a start.

New Year Resolutions have their place.

Make several different lists

  • Activities you want to drop
  • People you no longer want to spend time with (or at least, spend less time with)
  • A type of person you don’t want to be; maybe your values have changed, or maybe you’ve been trying to be something others want you to be
  • Things you don’t want to spend on, because you prefer to divert your money elsewhere
  • Stuff you want to get rid of—from your home, your wardrobe, your workspace

Do you want to stick to your new year resolutions?

One characteristic I have carefully cultivated in my life is rebellion

The most useful aspect of rebellion has been to rebel against myself. To rebel against my bad habits, my sabotage, my fears, my negativity……I WILL NOT TOLERATE this thing in my life any more.

This attitude gives me the focus, strength and determination to commit to the change I want to make.

It’s one of the most useful characteristics you can develop in your life. It means rebelling (appropriately, of course) against people who push you to be someone you don’t want to be. New Year Resolutions and revolutions are different.

If you’d like to talk more about making things happen this year, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here. You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email or post a comment below.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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