How to get past blockages and persevere

Persevere and strive to achieve your dreams.

Because of unusual challenges I’ve had to face in my life, I’ve developed a number of useful strategies to see me through very troubled times.

At the age of 23, I developed ‘global dissociative amnesia’ which meant I lost my memory totally. The causes were diagnosed as Acute Anxiety Disorder (nervous breakdown) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), because I displayed symptoms of having been severely traumatised. It is important that we develop the toughness to persevere through the tough times.

Of course, without a memory, it was impossible to find out what had happened. They tried hypnosis, but told me that I’m one of the 5% of the population that doesn’t respond to hypnotism.

For years, I was plagued with nightmares and unexplainable fears. I had to overcome a severe stutter, fear of people, and a whole suitcase of too many other fears to list.

I battled for years to develop a sense of identify, self esteem, and to be more than my problem. A long, winding journey led me to counselling and teaching.

The eager questions of people prompted me to refine my approaches into principles they could follow in their lives.

How do you learn to persevere?

For instance, a frequent question was: ‘Where did you get your perseverance from?’

It took me a while to find the words—to even figure out exactly how I’d kept myself motivated through the darkest times.

I realised my strength came from a combination of a pull and a push. A pull to my dreams and the push of perseverance.

When you have a strong dream—a vision of something you crave—that’s what I call the pull.

A clear vision can pull you like a magnet, but only if you can also clearly see each tiny step it will take to reach your goal and exactly how you will accomplish it.

Each of those steps becomes a triumphant achievement that encourages you.

Fear can block the clearest visions

However, in my experience, there is something powerful which can block that pull, and that is fear. The only thing more powerful than fear is desperation. That’s what I call the push.

It’s desperation that pushes you through your fears. You need to develop a strong feeling of desperation to get away from whatever the problem is.

Decide, firmly, that enough is enough and you absolutely cannot stand being in this hole any more. You need to get sick and tired of your excuses and learn to laugh at your avoidance patterns. Laugh, but never, never tolerate them.

My attitude has always been: 

I WILL NOT TOLERATE fear and unhappiness in my life. I will do whatever it takes to get rid of the causes.

Persevere in your dreams and it will be all the sweeter.

It was the combination of desperation and a clear vision of the kind of person I wanted to become that kept me going, one baby step after the other.

I have successfully shed my fears and built confidence in new skills. I have a strong sense of identity and can make decisions easily. These days I can laugh at myself and at whatever life dishes up. I value my experiences and enjoy my life.

If I can do it, you can do it too.

Is it time for you to how to overcome your fears, develop your ‘pull’ factors and reduce your ‘push’ factors? If you would like some guidance, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email or post a comment below.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081. 

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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