How to stay true to you for happiness and success

To stay true to you is an important aspect of developing self esteem.

Before you attempt any significant changes, there is one essential process you need to go through to ensure your happiness and success this year. You need to focus on things to be true to you.

Learn to be true to you!

The thought of any transformation is thrilling, and we greet each new year with excitement at the possibilities.

You may find that by the end of February, your enthusiasm and motivation can start waning. Is it laziness? Is it a lack of willpower?

Or—did we not come up with the right answers to our questions when we were deciding our goals for the year?

To ensure happiness and success, we need to take into account who we really are. Really—without the influence or pressure from others to be someone else.

We often fail because we’re trying to do something that no longer suits us, or that doesn’t meet our preferred style.

For ages (I won’t tell you for how long) I have wanted to exercise more. People have tried to enthuse me to go to gyms, to swim…yuh. Hate gyms. Hate water and the whole clammy wet hair thing.

What has succeeded for me, however, is power walking somewhere beautiful with a friend. It’s the social aspect and outdoor location that suits who I really am. As a result, I find fewer excuses not to do it.

The point is to figure out what will work for you. Are you a morning person or a night person? What is your average attention span? What works best for you: to focus on a big outcome—the end result you’re reaching for, or is it better for you to focus on one small step at a time? How many breaks do you need? Or is it better for you to gather momentum at a steady pace without a break?

To be true to you, sometimes you need to get on a roll with something you love.

For instance, when I write a book, it’s best for me to get on a roll and focus on just that. The book practically writes itself. Yet, when I have to focus on five million other priorities, I lose that momentum. I’ve found the best compromise is to organise myself to allow me to attend to each priority in spurts. It allows me to be true to me and will allow you to be true to you.

When you’re making your plans, notice if you feel any uneasiness. Notice if your body is sending you signals that this isn’t right. For example, is your stomach clenching or do you feel a tight band around your chest. Noticing regularly will help you learn to distinguish between the natural nervousness of undertaking something new and the jitters of something that feels wrong.

Respect your own style and your needs. Don’t listen to anyone who insists it should be done another way. Is it the method that’s important, or the outcome?

How can I help you to be true to you?

If you can reach your outcome by going backwards or round in circles, do it!

If you would like to learn new ways to be true to you, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here. You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email or post a comment below.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081. 

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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