Finding true love - what questions do you need answered?

If you have been together a year or more, the 'auditioning' phase when you are on your best behaviour, trying to impress, has long passed. The relationship should have matured by now into something deeper.

These key questions will help you recognise true love:

  • have turned into best friends? Finding true love needs friendship.
  • are you comfortable with each other, not having to put on an act?
  • does s/he increasingly enjoy just hanging around with you at home?
  • does s/he share secrets and fears with you?
  • do they listen respectfully when you need to express your fears and feelings?
  • does s/he ask you for advice (and sometimes takes it)?
  • do you laugh together at similar things?
  • can you appreciate the ways that s/he shows you affection and thoughtfulness, even if you would like love to be expressed in a different way?

If you can say yes to most of these questions, and your relationship is based on a solid friendship, then this likely to be true love.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

If you can say yes to most of these questions, and your relationship is based on a solid friendship, then this likely to be true love.

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