Instant Consciousness Doubler

Here's an instant consciousness doubler I like to use consistently:

Whenever someone says or does something I don’t like, I ask myself ‘Do I do that too?’

Be prepared for your first reaction to be ‘Nah—I NEVER do that’. Uh huh.

Then take another look at yourself, in different contexts, with different people. You might end up acknowledging that maybe you act in a similar way with one person in your life, often your nearest and dearest, with whom you forget all your manners.

If you can honestly say you don’t act or speak in similar ways, good for you.  At least you’re not too arrogant to double-check or too complacent to allow yourself to slip into habits that don’t reflect who you want to be.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

Soul Wise Ways

The Wise Way is a grounded framework to follow a path with heart, and to reconnect you with your sense of meaning, life purpose, and innate spiritual intelligence.

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