What are 4 wiser ways I can heal bad karma?

This stops with me

It’s worth remembering that each incident is likely to be part of a pattern in the family. Focus on being the one to stop the pattern from repeating. Keep telling yourself: “This stops with me.” Try any of these 4 strategies:

If someone says something hurtful to you during a holiday gathering, there are 3 powerful strategies you can choose from to stop bad karma from building:

  1. If someone criticises you, just smile and walk away
  2. Be respectfully curious—say: “Have you always felt that way?”
  3. Acknowledge their pain: Say something like: “This is really upsetting you, isn’t it” or “I can see you’re angry about this”. Suggest another time to talk it through.
  4. Remember the broken-record technique: If they insist on having a battle, keep repeating one phrase in a gentle tone of voice—something like: “Now is not a good time, I’ll contact you so we can talk about this later.” Keep repeating the same phrase, with a smile, then walk away.

Focus on being part of the solution and halting the pattern:

This stops with me!

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