Wise Ways to save water around the house and garden

Save water in a number of innovative ways.

So where do you start?

I am always on the lookout for Wise Ways to save water around the house and garden.

My most popular suggestions include:

  • keep a bucket in the shower to collect the water whilst you are showering
  • keep a small bucket in the kitchen sink to collect the cold water before the water from the hot water tap turns hot
  • mulch pot plants inside the house as well as garden beds outside the house
  • gradually redesign your garden to include drought tolerant plants
  • insert a two litre sealed container full of water in your full flush toilet cistern to reduce each flush by two litres (or convert to a dual flush cistern)
  • use a bucket of water rather than a hose to wash your car (even if there are no water restrictions).

Save water in every way you can.

For more tips, you may like to read these articles online:

Turning Blue – Wise Ways with water around your home – 12 page PDF booklet from the City of Melbourne
Saving water in your garden – article on the Water Corporation website including how to design a water wise garden
Water Wise Rules – article on the Sydney Water website to help increase sustainable water use

You may also be interested in these articles on the Wise Ways website:

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

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