Is it okay to have sexual fantasies about someone else while you’re making love to your partner?
Every action and every thought affects the fabric of the relations and the energy field that flows between two people. Your relationship is like a bank. Every loving thought or action is a deposit that builds energy, or you are making a deposit elsewhere. What do you want to invest in?
Ask yourself:
Has my passion diminished?
Are we doing everything we can to keep our relationship emotionally healthy?
Has emotional tension built up between us?
Are you addicted to fantasy during sex? Maybe you fantasised as a kid in school and never transferred your erotic associations to your partner?
If your sexual life needs a boost, why not develop fantasies together, that you can both share?
Before your problems destroy your relationship, find out what you can do to heal any relationship rifts. Interested? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.
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