How long does it take to become an expert?

Become an expert faster than you thought possible.


‘Precisely how long did it require you to publish ”Should I use a dream dictionary to interpret my dreams? “ It includes quite a lot of good knowledge. Thank you, Roland.’ (Germany).

I’d like to become an expert in dreams.

How much time do I need to become and expert?


Thank you for your question and comments, Roland. Taking your question literally, it took me about 30 minutes to publish that article on dream symbols.

The real answer to your question is that it has taken me many years of study in dream interpretation, the subconscious mind and in the meaning of symbols in different cultures to build the knowledge that came out in that short article.

I have also made it a regular practice of mine for decades to interpret my own dreams in a journal and have conducted courses on how to interpret dreams.

Your question inspires me to write about how we assess our accomplishments against someone else’s.

Have you noticed how many times we say that skilled people have a ‘natural gift’ for something, or were ‘born to it?’ Especially when it comes to creative or sports accomplishments. We rarely recognise the hours of practice or the determination to persevere to build knowledge or experience. When you want to become an expert ask yourself why?

We say we can’t do something, but so often, we take no steps to find out how.

We limit ourselves by thinking we haven’t got what it takes, but do we give ourselves permission to be a beginner?

From what I’ve seen with my clients, we often expect far too much of ourselves at the start of a venture, then get discouraged and give up.

Any skill depends on mastering basic principles. It starts with finding out what they are in the first place, then putting them into practice until one becomes ‘a natural.’

There is a big difference between accepting and acknowledging our limitations.

I don't know - yet

If you say: ‘I don’t know how’ and take no further steps to research—that is acceptance. Whilst acceptance is essential for peace of mind in some aspects of life, in this example, it can be the same as giving up. Why do you want to become and expert?

I’ve heard many people say ‘That’s just the way I am.’ Yes, it might be, but where is it written that you have to stay that way if it’s not working for you?

Recognition, on the other hand, is saying ‘I don’t know how’ and then working out the steps it takes to acquire the skills, but also the knowledge and experience it takes to be able to make good judgements.

Recognise your current bad habits, faulty ways of thinking, or lack of skills, one at a time and without beating yourself up, and then find out how to change it.

When you want to become an expert you should commit time.

Before we reach the end of the year, we still have a chance to change one little thing that will make life easier.

Thank you for inspiring this blog, Roland. I welcome any questions and they can be kept anonymous if you ask.

Imagine how you would feel if you were able to utilise your experience and write well. If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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