Should I Use a Dream Dictionary to Interpret My Dreams?

How do I use a dream dictionary?

Dreams are the answers to questions you haven’t realised need asking.

Your dreams provide the key to self-understanding, to your authentic self, and to guidance for solving your problems.

Interpreting your dreams can be quite easy once you learn the language of dreams.

Dreams speak their wisdom through symbols and intuition.

There are three categories of symbols:

Universal Symbols

Universal symbols are found in any culture. Examples are a road symbolisiing a journey.  It can be smooth and straight, or twisting and steep.  Another universal symbol is a tree, which stands for both strength and flexibility.

Cultural Symbols

Cultural symbols are those that are peculiar to a particular culture to which you might belong.  In western cultures, dreaming of a toilet means letting go, getting rid of…

To a Bedouin in the Sahara, that same symbol might mean affluence, or a waste of water!

Personal Symbols

Personal symbols are those that mean something specific to you.  If you dream of a blue pen, it might give you a very different message to how someone else might interpret that blue pen.  For this reason, it is never a good idea to consult a dream dictionary, which might mislead you if your personal interpretation is different.

It’s easier to interpret your personal symbols if you first identify them.

Create Your Own Dream Dictionary

Here’s a tip: How to use a dream dictionary.

Brainstorm on paper various symbols you might choose for major life transitions—beginnings, endings, journeys, change, being in control or out of control, symbols for safety or danger.

What symbol might you choose to depict aspects of your personality?  You could choose plants or animals, or abstract shapes, if you understand them.  Even household items can be powerful symbols.  It’s all about what they mean to you, as an individual.

If you choose animals, it helps to divide them into their characteristics as you see them—courage or timidity, for example.

Most importantly, choose symbols that have a particular meaning for you, and have fun with it!

Which is the best dream dictionary?

Do You Need Extra Help For Interpreting Your Dreams?

Do you have a dream that you’d like help with interpreting? Would like to know more about what your dreams are trying to tell you?  You might say that you never remember your dreams, or even that you don’t dream, but everyone does.  You can train yourself to recall them and understand them.  If you would like some personal help with this process, contact me to arrange a convenient time.

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Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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