Peace and goodwill to all...

Peace and goodwill to all.

Christmas symbolises peace, whether or not you celebrate it as part of your faith. This joyful period of the year, bringing so many of us together, reminds us to be peaceful, to radiate peace and to co-create peace.

Peace and goodwill to all men and women.

Attitude of peace and goodwill

When we’re tired and frazzled, we often wish for peace and goodwill to be given to us like a gift.  But it’s not something you experience passively.

Like patience or determination, peace and goodwill come from an inner attitude and outward behaviour. 

For example, when you’re patient, you’re aware of your reactions and the reasons for those reactions. You can choose whether you’re going to stew with frustration when you have to wait. That’s the inner attitude.

Outwardly, your patience expresses itself in the ability to wait, or in your tolerance towards others.

The aspect of determination that comes from inner attitude is the commitment to a course of action and the belief that the goal can be achieved. Also, outward behaviour is the action you take and your willingness to try again if one attempt fails.

Peace and goodwill are essential.

How can you develop an attitude of peace?

There are many ways. Peace and goodwill come from being grateful for what you have compared to others who lack those blessings. For example, many people keep a gratitude journal to remind themselves to acknowledge the good things in their lives.

Moreover, peace and goodwill come from expecting from others no more than they are able to give. That attitude, in turn, leads to easy forgiveness, understanding and tolerance. Peace is also being able to let people go if their behaviours are intolerable, and being able to move on without holding on to resentment.

Another attitude that will bring you peace and goodwill is the understanding that life brings you exactly what you need at this moment.  Every disappointment is a challenge to change your actions and an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

How can you actively promote peace and goodwill?

In general, the conventional idea of finding peace and goodwill is to get away from bothersome people and experiences.  The opposite is true if you want to promote peace in your world.  However, it takes a willingness to get involved in a meaningful way.

Be willing to take action that promotes harmony in your immediate environment.  For example, help a friend who’s frazzled, make a lonely person feel connected and cared for and find ways to welcome immigrants into the local community.

Peace and goodwill extend throughout the year.

Be a role-model to children to teach them what peace looks like in real life.

Commit yourself to promoting peaceful relationships with friends, family and at work.

That’s what it means to be a peace activist.

Got any ideas for creating peace? Share them with me. I’d love to hear from you.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

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