Seeking Insights? Wise Ways to Access your Inner Knowing

Finding Insights to your life can be one of the most reassuring things you can do.

What makes me happy?

Never accept 'I don't know'

You know those head-scratching times when you’re asking yourself: What makes me happy? What does this dream mean? Why am I reacting this way? And the only answer you get is ‘I don’t know’…

You do know. Your heart and soul knows. Your intuition and Higher Self knows. Lovely. So how do you access your inner knowing? Insights.

By brainstorming. Never accept ‘I Don’t know’ as a valid answer from yourself. Make educated guesses. Come up with as many ideas and options as you can. Could be this, maybe that, possibly those…

There will usually be one possibility that resonates with you more than others. All the ideas you come up with are worth exploring, whether through meditation or with pen and paper in hand.

Finding insights to your life.

You’ll often find that, if you do this kind of thinking in writing, more significant insights come through. And I do mean the pen and paper kind of writing, not computer, because the slower pace of handwriting is better suited to seeking insights.

Double-check with more questions to see if answers you come up with are emotionally driven, say by fear or pride. Don’t know? Check experiences you’ve had that may relate in some way to your question and you’ll begin to understand yourself and the answers may well jump out at you.

Take care not to be influenced by what friends or family might say. This kind of reflecting meditation is best done alone, or with a professional who can remain objective.

If you would like to source more insights and access your inner knowing, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here. You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email or post a comment below.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

The benefit of taking time to think about your emotions and actions can deliver powerful insights.

Soul Wise Ways

The Wise Way is a grounded framework to follow a path with heart, and to reconnect you with your sense of meaning, life purpose, and innate spiritual intelligence.

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