That’s how all the songs go. That’s the romantic ideal we are all hard-wired to aspire to. The need to belong, to love and be loved is part of human nature.
But why does it so often go wrong? Because some essential ingredients may be missing from the relationship.
Does your relationship include these six essential ingredients?
6 ingredients
Friendship is the only solid foundation on which to build a relationship. You need to enjoy each other’s company and share the same interests. How else do you foster that feeling of togetherness?
You can’t have closeness without trust. You can be physically close to someone but worlds apart emotionally. It takes time to cultivate that closeness which makes you feel safe to confide in your partner, knowing they will be interested enough in you to listen and keep your confidence.
Mature love can be a challenge.
Support is part of trust too—knowing your partner is there to cheer you on as you strive for a goal, there to encourage and affirm you if you’ve lost confidence. Showing you believe in someone and care about their success is an important part of showing love.
It’s dangerous to assume you know what your partner is feeling or thinking. You can be understanding by sharing, listening and asking questions, it’s what good communication is all about. Do you and your partner listen to each other with sensitivity? Can you disagree without misinterpreting their intention?
Non-judgemental acceptance
It is totally possible to accept a person’s faults and weaknesses without criticising them. This is non-judgemental acceptance. It doesn’t mean being blind to imperfections, but it does mean not expecting your partner to be perfect, and taking the bad with the good, because the good makes the bad worth it.
When the infatuation and heady romance stage is over, true love morphs into a warmth that feels like a snuggly warm blanket.
Mature love gives us reassurance.
Would you like some guidance and suggestions around the topic of relationships? If so, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.
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If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.
Any information presented on our website is of a general nature only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.
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