Who Am I? How To Be More Authentic

Have you ever wondered, who am I? How can I be more authentic?

Do you have a strong sense of who you really are, or do you feel a fraud?

Do people say to you GET REAL!

One of our fundamental human needs is the need to belong, to be accepted. To fit in.

So we pretend to be what we’re not, to shape ourselves into a version we believe will gain approval.  We join the ‘right’ clubs, wear the ‘right’ clothes, to be seen in the ‘right’ places by the ‘right’ people.  We engage in activities just because everyone else is doing it and we don’t want to be left out.

At one level, it’s fine to pretend.  Like when you go to an interview and you put on a confident air to hide the anxiety you really feel.

The problem comes when pretending takes over other aspects of your life until the authentic you is smothered by the fake you. And it happens so gradually, we have no idea we’re losing our real self in trying to be something we’re not.

How to become more authentic

You may have lost sight of what your authentic self really looks like, as I once did.

Every time you get rid of one fake aspect of yourself, you become more real, and your self-esteem rises in proportion to your heightened sense of self.

Here’s an example:  I used to have an impressive array of cookery books, including ones like the Larousse Gastrononomique (in French, of course…) I never looked at the stupid things, but hey—they looked good on my bookshelves.  And when friends saw them they would comment on what a wonderful cook I must be…I would pat my hair and smile graciously and lap it all up. (And hope they never came to dinner!)

One day, when I was ready to laugh at myself, I got rid of the ‘show’ books, leaving only the few I enjoy using.

In so doing, I stepped closer to being authentic.  As I relaxed, I became more confident being who I really was.

What small step can you take today to get closer to the real you?

If you would like some personal help with this process, contact me to arrange a convenient time.

You may also like to visit the Courses page to see details of when the next ‘Who am I?’ course is being held.

I’d love to know what you think of what I’ve said here.

You can give me your feedback, ask a question by email.

If you or someone you know would like a personal consultation, please call +61 439 969 081.

Take charge of your life with Jacquie Wise.

Love Wise Ways

Be more loving and break down barriers, so that you can attract more love into your life.

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