Most religions have periods of fasting, or sacrifice, of reflection, repentance, and atonement. Time for reflection allows us to take stock.
For observers of Christianity, this period is Lent, a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a time of spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection.
I found this ‘Recipe for a Lenten Garden’, which is a delightful reminder for all seekers of a life of meaning and soul.
First, plant five rows of peas: • preparedness • promptness • perseverance • politeness • prayer (or meditation)
Next, plant four rows of squash • squash gossip • squash criticism • squash indifference • squash prejudice
Then: plant five rows of lettuce: • let us be loyal • let us be unselfish • let us be truthful • let us be dependable • let us be kind
And no garden is complete without turnips: • turn up for your dreams • turn up with a smile • turn up with a new idea • turn up with determination
(Author unknown, but very much appreciated. Slightly modified by Jacquie Wise)
If you are looking for ways to fill your life with more meaning, contact me directly to arrange a convenient appointment time.
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