Jacquie Wise

Jacquie Wise Wise Ways Integrative coach counsellor trainer Albert Park South Melbourne Victoria Australia Wiser Ways for Life, Love, Work and Soul http://www.wiseways.com.au http://www.jacquiewise.com

Time to live a soulful life through your higher self

There is your unconscious self in which you hold your fears or strengths and secret desires. All of these become unconscious drivers that control your behaviour without you understanding why. Of course you can’t – because they are unconscious. Your saboteur lives in your unconscious.

The Etiquette of Kissing and Hugging

Kissing and hugging your family and close friends is very different from the more formal air-kisses we give others. In a general context, one argument is that if you air-kiss and hug everyone indiscriminately, it leaves nothing special you can do to indicate you like and value someone.

Do you live to work or work to live?

Question: I am enjoying the Wise Ways newsletters. My question is, the conflict between doing and having a job, or being creative? Or more importantly if one’s nine to five job and the stress it involves impinges on your creative life? DH​

Mindfulness Meditation at Work

I am so keen to practice mindfulness meditation, but my work is so busy, I have no time. When I get home, I have to prepare dinner and then I’m exhausted and forget all about it. My mind won’t stop racing. There’s nothing else I can let go to make room for mindfulness. How do busy people fit it in?

Enjoying your Guilt Trip?

As we draw towards the end of a year, this is the time to review how we went; what we accomplished, what we’d like to change in future, what we regret. Regret? What’s the point of that? They say that guilt is a useless emotion. Let go of the past and get on with the present, they say. But what if the past won’t let go of you?

Every emotion has a valuable purpose. If we acknowledge our emotions, they’ll alert us to our deep-seated needs and motivate us to find ways to meet those needs. If we dismiss them, we risk ending up with repression, which leads to that pressure-cooker feeling. Trying to ignore emotions is like trying to ignore children. They’ll only yell louder until you pay attention.

Why am I so stressed?

A Wise Way to manage stress…We talk about managing stress, but I believe we need to learn how to minimise our reactions, so that we’re able to let things wash over us.

Are you ready for your next opportunity? Can you make good decisions?

One has many ‘opportunities’ that come knocking, how do you discriminate as when to take them and when not?
My tendency is to think carefully most of the time (evaluate) before accepting or going with it. Till now, I have trusted this thinking process. Do you think I should just trial saying ‘’Yes” for the next while and see what results and over-ride the thinking process?

How can I forget my former partner?

I’m very close to my current partner, who has started talking about us living together and even getting married. I’m so excited about this. He’s really right for me. The trouble is, I was married before, and my former husband keeps popping into my mind. Does that mean I still love him? Does it mean I’m not ready to move on? I need to know so I don’t ruin this chance I have to be with the most amazing man, who knows nothing of my turmoil.

You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore And You Don’t Respect My Need For Space

A common source of hurt in relationships is feeling unloved. It could be simply because you’re just not speaking the right language. Intimate relationships go through classic phases.

First, there’s the auditioning phase, when we’re on our best behaviour because we want to impress. We’re paying close attention to our loved one as we get to know them. It may take as long as a full year or more, depending on how often we see each other, to decide ‘this is the one for me’.

Change your energy field to attract a better life

I have recently realised how much I have slipped in my life and allowed myself to withdraw and stagnate. I’ve lost a lot of confidence. I need to know how to shift the frequencies around me so that I can begin to attract a better life. What are simple things I can do to shift the energy field around me?

How to express how you both really feel in a relationship

My partner and I recently split up, because we both felt unfulfilled in our relationship. We’ve now decided to try again, because we’ve realised we only ever communicate on the surface of life. We never discuss emotions, or talk in depth. We never fight. We’ve both been afraid to tell each other if we’re angry or upset. We’ve never had an honest relationship. Now we want to do things differently. Where do we begin?

How to get rid of unhealthy relationships

When we feel drained or worn out, we typically look to the demands of our workloads to find a solution. But perhaps your energy is being drained by worn-out relationships. A good step in the direction of uncomplicating your life is to decide what to do about the complicated people in it.

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