
Did you wonder why the long silence? ​

Many people have asked me how to bounce back from burnout.  We have no energy to ‘bounce’. Coming out of burnout is more like a slow creep.
Like me, you probably recognise when you’re stress levels are high and like me, you may have tried to soldier on.  I hear myself telling others to take regular short breaks and learn to say ‘no’, but I was in a situation I couldn’t get out of.  Like you, I had to press on.
Burnout is also called ‘Compassion Fatigue. If we’re working in crisis situations, or even just caring for a family, leaving no time for ourselves, we’re in danger of ‘Compassion Fatigue’.  Our battery runs out, because we haven’t been able to care for ourselves.

The power of words

The Power of Words

Choose your words carefully—the way we think not only controls the way we feel, but also creates our reality. You can choose to use only words that are encouraging and uplifting, to move your world in a positive direction.​


Is the way you communicate confusing?

Here’s a useful way to unpack the different aspects of communication to ensure you’re not getting your wires crossed. These ideas will help prevent communication blockages in the first place, and help you resolve miscommunications that have already happened.

How to be at ease with In-Between times

How To Be At Ease With ‘In-Between Times’

In-between times are those times of transition when you’ve left one career, relationship or lifestyle behind, but have no idea what to do to reach the next shore. You feel cast adrift. It can be nerve-wracking—how can you be proactive when you don’t know what to be proactive about or when all your attempts lead to nothing?

How Can Your Approach To Life Change The World?

You can have as much of an impact on the world—or on your life— by not doing something as by doing it. What consequence does a passive approach to life have? What about your approach to your own life? This blog looks at how our approach to life impacts on global, national, community and personal changes.

How Compassionate and Loving Are You?

In the month of Valentine’s Day, there’s plenty of inspiration about how we express love to someone special. But being a loving person extends way beyond that. We all like to believe we’re compassionate, kind and loving people. How can we tell? Aside from popular, meaningless quizzes, that is. Here’s another thought: if you want to attract love into your life, you need to begin by being a loving person yourself.

How To Turn Weak Intentions Into Strong New-Year Resolutions

A new year is always exciting—brimming with opportunity and possibility. But what if this year ends up being full of disappointments? There are plenty of standard tips around about how to set resolutions: break up goals into small action steps, have a contingency plan … Here are nine less common tips to ensure your new year is truly a happy one.

Give Yourself The Gift Of Happiness This Christmas

As we enter into a season that’s supposed to be about joyfulness and love, give yourself the gift of joyfulness. One of the fundamental human needs is to be happy, yet happiness so often eludes us.  Here’s a game you can play that, if it becomes a habit, can show you the way to happiness. IF you make it a habit.

10 Wise Ways for Positive Problem Solving

10 Wise Ways for Positive Problem Solving

Some of us seem able to make decisions effortlessly as soon as they arise—for others, the decision presents as a problem. We can all learn how to make decisions quickly and solve problems easily. Here are ten techniques used by confident problem-solvers.

Is it time to quit?

As we leave 2016, maybe it’s time to leave behind things in our lives that no longer serve us. Sometimes, the turning point comes when we’re ready to say ‘Enough!’ What do you feel the need to leave behind with the closing year? ​

Give me a break!

Sometimes we don’t believe we’ll feel rested unless we can escape to some beach for two weeks. You don’t have to have a long break to feel rested. There are many smaller ways to recharge your batteries.

How to get a good night’s sleep

The expectation that we remain connected 24/7 to phones and other technology makes it hard to switch off, not only technology, but also our preoccupied brains. For some of us, increased travel or shift-work has also disrupted our sleep patterns. The result: sleepless nights. The Question: how can we improve our chances of a good night’s sleep that recharges our bodies and brains? Which strategy is right for you? Try using your natural thinking and learning preferences to fall asleep more easily.​

Wise Ways Recipe for Life

If your life is moving too slowly for you, try this. Let this method trigger a few ideas that you may be missing. Then watch what happens!

I was teaching one of my public workshops on confident conversation skills and this little ’formula’ emerged. I’m big on catchy phrases or acronyms that are uncomplicated, inspirational and easy to remember.

Enjoying your Guilt Trip?

As we draw towards the end of a year, this is the time to review how we went; what we accomplished, what we’d like to change in future, what we regret. Regret? What’s the point of that? They say that guilt is a useless emotion. Let go of the past and get on with the present, they say. But what if the past won’t let go of you?

Every emotion has a valuable purpose. If we acknowledge our emotions, they’ll alert us to our deep-seated needs and motivate us to find ways to meet those needs. If we dismiss them, we risk ending up with repression, which leads to that pressure-cooker feeling. Trying to ignore emotions is like trying to ignore children. They’ll only yell louder until you pay attention.

Why am I so stressed?

A Wise Way to manage stress…We talk about managing stress, but I believe we need to learn how to minimise our reactions, so that we’re able to let things wash over us.

How to find your purpose in life

If you’ve ever thought ‘There has to be something more…’ ? That thought is a tap on the shoulder to move you to a deeper perspective of life.

Here’s another thought that might be novel to you: could your life be a preparation for a greater purpose?

Are you a good risk taker?

Why are some people more ready and able to take risks—perhaps present innovative ideas to management, or take that leap of faith to fulfil a dream? The standard answer one hears too often these days is that people who don’t take risks are afraid of failure—implying that those who do take risks, aren’t afraid.

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